With the 2024-25 school year now underway, approximately 500,000 students in Arizona public and charter schools are receiving vision screenings thanks to a new state law and investments from local philanthropic organizations to support a successful rollout. Vision screenings are a critical step in identifying problems that can impede children’s healthy development and educational progress.
While some schools have offered vision screenings in the past, the new law provides rules and guidelines for all public and charter schools to conduct vision screenings for children at school entry (pre-K or kindergarten), in third grade, and again in seventh grade. Schools may also choose to screen children in other or all grades, so the total number of students who will receive screenings this year may be even greater than estimated.
Eyes On Learning, a public-private coalition of partners dedicated to improving the vision health of Arizona’s children, developed recommendations that contributed to the passage of the legislation in 2019 and has been instrumental in bringing significant philanthropic investments and federal funding for its implementation.
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